Also known as vianism...

The cult of the Mother-Road, also known as "Vianism", according to available historical information, has common roots with the pre-Christian beliefs of the peoples of Southern Russia, Buddhism, Hinduism and the ancient Greek pantheon. It has a broad mythology, formed both in the Early Bronze Age and during the second half of the twentieth century at the intersection of various subcultures and social trends. The final formation of the Cult as an independent polytheistic creed dates back to the beginning of the XXI century AD. From this moment on, two equivalent names are used – Cult (teaching) The Mother of the Road and Vianism, that is, the creed of the Vianites (from Lat. Via – road). Up to this point, the followers of the creed had not created official groups and organizations. The first community (religious group) was officially founded in the Rostov region in 2016. There is no official data on the number of those who share the creed.